Jesus you are my healer
Autor: Don Moen  |  Album: Thank You Lord  |  Tematica: Laudă și închinare
Adaugata in 08/04/2006
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Jesus Son of God
Only You can save me
Suffering on the cross
You gave your own willingly pay the cost for me

Now I am free to worship

Jesus you are my healer
Oh Jesus, touch me and I will be free
For by Your stripes I am healed, I am healed

Jesus you are my saviour
Oh Jesus, You are my strength and my shield
I put my trust in Your name, in Your name, Jesus

Lord Your name is great
A refuge I can run to
A shelter from the storm
A faithful friend and I can depend on You, my God, my King
I lift my voice and worship
Multumesc mult pentru aceste versuri!!!Multumesc in special lui Flavius ! Numai Domnul Dumnezeu ne elibereaza de toate temerile noastre.De aceea indrazniti inainte caci insusi Isus s-a sacrificat pentru noi. El vindeca!!
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